Keep Your Tyres Turning

The tyres on your auto need some love and attention. If you neglect your tyres, they will eventually let you down. The site is dedicated to providing its readers with all the information they need to purchase and maintain auto tyres. We will be looking at the types of tyre available to you and their pros and cons, the common causes of tyre damage and wear, and the signs that you need to replace the rubber on your wheels. We have spent hours looking at info written by professionals as well as watching lots of informative videos online. We hope you enjoy reading this blog!

Are You Watching out for Bulging Tyres?


How often do you walk around your car and inspect the tyres? If you're like many people, the answer will probably be rarely, but it is something you should do, ideally every time you drive. But when you carry out an inspection like this, what should you be looking for?

Everyday Risks

The typical car tyre these days is very hardy and can put up with a great deal of use. After all, it can rotate at high speed and deal with tremendous friction when you drive around a corner in top gear. Yet, it is usually not good at dealing with any sudden blow or, of course, something sharp on the road surface.

Dealing with Nails

If you drive over a nail, then it may become embedded in the surface of the tyre. Should you discover such a situation, it is best to remove the nail carefully and check to ensure that the cover is still intact. If you detect a slow leak, you will, of course, need to get that tyre serviced as soon as possible.

Outward Bulge

You should also be on the lookout for any bulges which can signify more significant damage. Check the sidewalls for an outward bulge, somewhere in between the rim and the outer circumference.

In this situation, you may have driven into a curb at an awkward angle or encountered a particularly deep pothole. This may have temporarily pinched the tyre against the wheel rim and damaged the internal airbag, sometimes known as a tube. When this happens, air can escape under pressure and may damage the inside of the tyre, causing an outward bulge. Unfortunately, you will need to buy a new tyre in this situation — and as soon as possible.

Inward Bulge

Also, have a look at the tread to see if you can notice an inward bulge. In this case, the steel belts that give the tyre its consistency may have become damaged, and this may also call for a complete replacement.

No Time to Be Passive

Don't be tempted to ignore this if you notice something unusual, especially a bulge or bubble. The integrity of the tyre has been compromised, and, in the worst-case scenario, it could burst completely when you are driving down the motorway at speed. Instead, make an appointment as soon as possible to get a new tyre fitted. The technician will have a close look at all the others as well, just to be safe.


15 November 2021